This is my personal site. Here you can find more information about me, as well as my collection of notes on various topics that I know about.
Major UI changes1 March 2025
I've made some pretty radical alterations to how the site looks, including some pretty major revisions to how the message board displays threads.
If anything looks unusual, please consider either trying to do ctrl+shift+r to do a "hard" refresh, or else clear your browser cache.
Luanti/Minetest server25 December 2024
I've added a Luanti (formerly Minetest) server. You can find more information about that here. The server also has a live map that should be available at glowbox.cc:8080.
Be sure to check out the rules and all in the link above, and if you have any issues with the server, feel free to bring them up on the message board.
RSS Generator Update20 November 2024
I pushed an update to the site's RSS feed generator. This should allow the retrieval of full article content over RSS now. If you've already subscribed to my feed, you may need to remove and re-subscribe in order to view the full text of older posts via RSS.
Added an RSS feed16 November 2024
I wrote an RSS feed generator today. It tracks new articles and news posts like these. This can be accessed from https://glowbox.cc/rss.php
Hopefully you all find this useful. This generator is home made, so if anyone encounters any issues, please feel free to reach out via the site's message board.
Messageboard fixes15 November 2024
There were some issues with image uploads and permissions on the message board that were causing issues with uploads and posting. These have been corrected.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
Updates and additions14 November 2024
Against my better judgement, I've added a guestbook/message board type feature. This has been a little side project I've been dabbling with for a while, so I figured it would be interesting to see how it does live.
Please keep things worksafe and friendly.
Posted a bunch of notes7 January 2024
Was doing some practice tonight and noticed I don't have my more updated notes on my Kali install, so I posted them here for convenience.